tssci security

Keep track of your SUID/SGID programs

Part of any monitoring and intrusion detection strategy should include file integrity checking and regularly auditing programs capable of privilege escalation. These programs are often replaced or modified by intruders, creating processes or performing other functions than they were originally designed to. In Linux, these programs are identified via a SUID or SGID bit in the permission set. An example of of a program with the SUID bit set, is:

1004904 24 -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 23588 Oct 19 15:52 /usr/bin/chsh

Notice I bolded the s, which identifies this program as one capable of acquiring root privileges. A program with the SGID would have the executable group permission set to s as well. i.e. -rwsr-sr-x

To locate all the SUID programs on your system: in a terminal, enter the following command:

# find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls

For SGID programs, run the following command:

# find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls

I like to cat the output of these commands into files and then calculate an md5sum. I store this md5 hash in another location and I can perform the same command a month, 3 months, even 6 months from now and quickly check the list of programs for changes.

# find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls > suid.txt # find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls > sgid.txt # md5sum suid.txt bc8m092ciuhmds09238yfhkd8q3halc2 suid.txt # md5sum sgid.txt bc12e97ea5c11d206382a30f4cb9487c sgid.txt

Posted by Marcin on Friday, January 26, 2007 in Security.

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