tssci security

Writing a web services fuzzer in 5 minutes to SQL injection

This week, I was doing an internal penetration test for a client of a web service, which is used by applications loaded on kiosk machines around the country. I didn't have much time to do the test, so I had a couple advantages, like having network access to the service, the WSDL and also ability to interact with the developers. This also gave me a chance to see how capable our web application firewall was at being able to detect attacks.

I had some trouble with WSFuzzer, and kept getting "XML Fault" errors like the one below:

There was an anomaly encountered in interfacing with the provided target. The neuroFuzz team is aware of these situational conditions and we are looking into the root cause(s) ...

If you would like to help with this type of research send the following data along with some details about the target service to wsfuzzer@neurofuzz.com

Response: XML Fault

Ok, no big deal -- I'll just write my own! I loaded up soapUI and put in the WSDL address, and soapUI was able to generate the XML requests according to the WSDL. soapUI automatically puts a question mark placeholder into the input areas, so I then saved these as individual XML files -- one for each service method.

Then, I wrote a quick BASH script that looped through each line in WSFuzzer's Attack_all.txt and replaced every placeholder parameter in each XML file with the attack string:

#!/usr/bin/env bash# Generate our attack files
# Escape slashes and backslashes
sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g; s/:::.*//g' All_attack.txt > All_attack.txt~echo -n "Generating attacks"n=0
for i in `ls -1 *.xml`
        while read line
                sed "s/?/${line}/" $i > $i.$n
                #echo "Writing $i.$n"
                echo -n "."
                let "n+=1"
        done < All_attack.txt~
        let n=0
doneecho " done"# Cleanup
echo "Removing temporary files no longer needed."
rm All_attack.txt~exit 0

This script will then generate one XML file for each attack string per method. In my case, it generated close to 15,000 XML files. So what do we do with this? We'll use cURL to POST it to the web server (after removing SQL shutdown statements and other risky injections):

$ for i in `ls *.xml.*`; do curl -A "marcin" -s -x -k -d @$i -H "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "SOAPAction: \"\"" https://service-tested:8443/warfile/service/Endpoint; done

I specified a proxy by using the -x flag with cURL so I can proxy it through Burp, which keeps a detailed request/response log I could later pour through.

So there you have it: a web services fuzzer in 5 minutes, or less. Sure, it doesn't replace WSFuzzer as WSFuzzer does a lot more, it was enough for my purposes and gave me time to do other testing. The best part about this, was when the database administrator notified us about a SQL injection we did that caused the CPU load to spike for a duration of time. He's been asking the developers to fix the query for months now, but his reasons for fixing were for performance. Now he's got a security reason to fix the code, and I wouldn't have been surprised if they fixed it that same day.

Oh, and for those wondering... the WAF missed about 25% of the attacks.

Posted by Marcin on Sunday, December 14, 2008 in Code, Security and Work.

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